Lemonade Day Makes a Positive Difference in the Life of a Child, Thanks to Many!
By Steven Gordon, Lemonade Day National President
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child (modified from original language per image below).”
FOREST E. WITCRAFT, teacher, scholar

Forest Witcraft
Every one of us involved in Lemonade Day is making a positive difference in the life of a young child -- not just for a few weeks or months but for many years to come. I am extremely thankful that, with your support and your belief in our program, Lemonade Day is more than a day: Lemonade Day has in fact become a movement, spanning many days from April through late September in cities and communities in North America and Canada.
Our cumulative efforts are reaping a great harvest, demonstrating that turning lemons into delectable variations of lemonade (I heard of a Coconut Lemonade recipe recently and am eager to taste it!) that enables kids to learn the lesson of spending, saving and sharing some of their profits from lemonade sales with a cause that maters to them. Yet, to reach our ambitious expansion goals, we need to engage thousands more parents, caring adult mentors, sponsors and community partners who are willing to make a difference by “building the future and stirring up success.” Lemonade Day serves as a catalyst for business startups, workplace readiness, and character-building that will impact a child for life in a meaningful and memorable way.
Because there is no cost to register to participate in Lemonade Day, kids from all socio-economic levels can gain the experience of hosting a lemonade stand. Kids learn business planning, product development, site selection, marketing, financial management, interpersonal communications, and social responsibility. Lemonade Day provides online and printed workbooks for kids and mentors that outline lessons in an easy-to-follow format. Licenses from cities and contributed funds from sponsors make production of these workbooks and other materials possible.
Some very fortunate kids have parents, grandparents and other relatives who are actively involved in their lives. Many others don’t. Public and private school leaders and teachers, after-school program managers, home school networks, youth advocacy organizations, places of worship, and entire communities can rally around kids who can use a helpful “hand up” and not a “hand out.” Adult mentors and sponsors can serve as investors for young lemonade business owners, drivers, shoppers, lemonade stand builders, and sales and marketing coaches.
Every contribution that a Lemonade Day participant makes matters. Thank you for believing in Lemonade Day. Thank you for making a difference.
Please share this blog post with others who are fans and followers of Lemonade Day and other youth entrepreneurship programs. I welcome your comments and questions. Please email me at Steven@lemonadeday.org.
Source: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2014/12/11/forest-witcraft-quote-first-appeared-scouting-magazine/
About Lemonade Day
Founded in Houston in 2007 by Michael and Lisa Holthouse, Lemonade Day is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching every child across North America the business and financial skills that are the key ingredients of entrepreneurship. By learning these skills early in life, children will be better prepared to be successful, financially healthy adults. Through our fun, hands-on program, kids K-5 are empowered to start their very own business—a lemonade stand—and experience the feeling of earning real money, using 100% of their profit to spend, save and share based on their own goals.
Lemonade Day is hosted in 72 territories in North America and is growing. Over the past 11 years, we have served more than 1 million kids in our youth entrepreneur programs. Within the next five years, Lemonade Day leaders estimate that 250,000 mentors and millions more kids will be hosting lemonade stands in North America and on other continents throughout the world. Please visit www.lemonadeday.org to learn more.
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By Steven Gordon, Lemonade Day National President
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child (modified from original language per image below).”
FOREST E. WITCRAFT, teacher, scholar

Forest Witcraft
Every one of us involved in Lemonade Day is making a positive difference in the life of a young child -- not just for a few weeks or months but for many years to come. I am extremely thankful that, with your support and your belief in our program, Lemonade Day is more than a day: Lemonade Day has in fact become a movement, spanning many days from April through late September in cities and communities in North America and Canada.
Our cumulative efforts are reaping a great harvest, demonstrating that turning lemons into delectable variations of lemonade (I heard of a Coconut Lemonade recipe recently and am eager to taste it!) that enables kids to learn the lesson of spending, saving and sharing some of their profits from lemonade sales with a cause that maters to them. Yet, to reach our ambitious expansion goals, we need to engage thousands more parents, caring adult mentors, sponsors and community partners who are willing to make a difference by “building the future and stirring up success.” Lemonade Day serves as a catalyst for business startups, workplace readiness, and character-building that will impact a child for life in a meaningful and memorable way.
Because there is no cost to register to participate in Lemonade Day, kids from all socio-economic levels can gain the experience of hosting a lemonade stand. Kids learn business planning, product development, site selection, marketing, financial management, interpersonal communications, and social responsibility. Lemonade Day provides online and printed workbooks for kids and mentors that outline lessons in an easy-to-follow format. Licenses from cities and contributed funds from sponsors make production of these workbooks and other materials possible.
Some very fortunate kids have parents, grandparents and other relatives who are actively involved in their lives. Many others don’t. Public and private school leaders and teachers, after-school program managers, home school networks, youth advocacy organizations, places of worship, and entire communities can rally around kids who can use a helpful “hand up” and not a “hand out.” Adult mentors and sponsors can serve as investors for young lemonade business owners, drivers, shoppers, lemonade stand builders, and sales and marketing coaches.
Every contribution that a Lemonade Day participant makes matters. Thank you for believing in Lemonade Day. Thank you for making a difference.
Please share this blog post with others who are fans and followers of Lemonade Day and other youth entrepreneurship programs. I welcome your comments and questions. Please email me at Steven@lemonadeday.org.

Source: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2014/12/11/forest-witcraft-quote-first-appeared-scouting-magazine/
About Lemonade Day
Founded in Houston in 2007 by Michael and Lisa Holthouse, Lemonade Day is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching every child across North America the business and financial skills that are the key ingredients of entrepreneurship. By learning these skills early in life, children will be better prepared to be successful, financially healthy adults. Through our fun, hands-on program, kids K-5 are empowered to start their very own business—a lemonade stand—and experience the feeling of earning real money, using 100% of their profit to spend, save and share based on their own goals.
Lemonade Day is hosted in 72 territories in North America and is growing. Over the past 11 years, we have served more than 1 million kids in our youth entrepreneur programs. Within the next five years, Lemonade Day leaders estimate that 250,000 mentors and millions more kids will be hosting lemonade stands in North America and on other continents throughout the world. Please visit www.lemonadeday.org to learn more.